Monday, March 7, 2011

Sultanah's Dream

By: Rokheya Shekhawat Hossein

Sultana's Dream by Rokheya Shekhawat Hossein (1880 - 1932) is fundamentally dealing with 'Islamic' feminist movement which was initiated by Rokheya herself. 

This story was based on the real context of how women were treated in those days, particularly in India, women were totally secluded from the society and placed in zenana. Men neglected the rights of women to socialize with their own community. In respond to inequality in patriarchal society towards women, Rokheya came out with the idea of Ladyland as a paradox of the real societal treatment towards women. Unfortunately, her utopian idea on Ladyland is contradicting with the teaching of Islam since in Islam, man is regarded as a leader, protector and sustainer of the family.  

The injustice in Sultana's Dream:

           In Ladyland, men were kept indoor while women worked outside. Men were part of the society but shorn of power. They lived in seclusion and looked after the house and children. Women who were the dominant group did not consider men to fit for any skilled work. This reverse role of men and women is somehow unjust in Islam. 

          From the Islamic teachings that we understand, men should not be kept indoor and taking over all of the domestic works. While it is not the responsibility of the women to be the bread winners in the family because that is the duty of the husbands. Moreover, though women should do domestic works, it does not mean that they can be secluded from the society. In short, this utopian reverse role of two genders is unjust from Islamic point of view. 

For further information, click here


  1. It is always important to view an issue with an open mind. Islam is a religion that is just (adil). Use modality to express your opinion so as to allow room for debates. There's always exceptions to rules as Islam is fair in all dealings.

  2. Sure, will revise the opinion with more supports and evidences,Dr.
