Monday, March 7, 2011

Reflection I

Assignment 1: History of CALL

Basically, the purpose of the study chosen in this article is to evaluate out-of-class, electronic contact as an alternative to some face-to-face contact on the students who took the Spanish course at a US university. The participants are divided into two groups which are control group and experimental group. The control group is the students who use the chat room under the supervision of the teacher in completing their works. Whereas the experimental group is students who use the chat room out of the class time without the supervision of the teacher. The result shows that the experimental group engaged electronically more than the control group in completing their works. Finally, this study shows how chat room is perceived as a new way of learning that motivates students to participate in class discussion, improve writing skills and develop new ideas by using computers.

For us , we think that the use of computer to assist language learning is very crucial to understand how the integration of electronic technology can be manipulated as a medium to achieve the benefits in language learning advancement. Though computer was originated from the West, Islam welcomes and enjoys the use of technology for the betterment of human being (Previously there were a tendency to believe all Western's products were corrupted).

Then, by accumulating CALL, we could see that it further assists the role of teacher in enhancing the effectiveness of teaching methodology

Furthermore, as the era of technology advances, it should be clear for us to benefit what human's production has to offer. It means that the mind ('aqal') bestowed by Allah, and the product of it should be exploited to all human being. However, one must not totally abandon the traditional methods of teaching as it was all derived from human's production of mind as well. The fusion of past and present should be integrated in producing the best post-teaching methodology in the pipeline.

In a nutshell, it is best to integrate this discussion of CALL with the saying of Rasulullah's companion, Umar Ibn Khattab: "Teach your children with the era they live in." 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A good reflection. Although not the requirement of the task, your effort of relating it to islamic aspects is commendable. Again a good reflection although some information on the execution part is lacking.
